Diamond Emerald  Sideboard  Boca Do Lobo Love HappensDiamond Emerald  Sideboard  Boca Do Lobo Love Happens
Diamond Emerald  Sideboard  Boca Do Lobo Love Happens

Diamond Emerald Sideboard by Boca Do Lobo

With the style of a precious jewel, the new Diamond sideboard, colored in green emerald, will make a splash in interior design since it is one of the hottest color trends for 2013. Like the amethyst Diamond, the new sideboard also features three highly sculptured doors leading to a gold leaf interior with shelving and two drawers. The exterior of this fanciful piece is now presented in silver leaf finished with a luxurious shade of translucent green emerald with high gloss varnish. And instead of the whimsical lion’s head feet, the new diamond presents a base made from mahogany lined with bronze mirror.

Faceted sideboard totally manually produced. Contains two doors, two drawers and a shelf. The interior is finished in golden leaf. Legs are manually carved lined with golden leaf. The sideboard is made from wood finished with a luxurious shade of translucent green emerald with high gloss varnish.

W 180cm | 70.2'' H 83cm | 32.4'' D. 60cm | 23.4

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