Inca  Armchair  Brabbu Love HappensInca  Armchair  Brabbu Love HappensInca  Armchair  Brabbu Love HappensInca  Armchair  Brabbu Love HappensInca  Armchair  Brabbu Love HappensInca  Armchair  Brabbu Love HappensInca  Armchair  Brabbu Love HappensInca  Armchair  Brabbu Love Happens
Inca  Armchair  Brabbu Love Happens

Inca Armchair by Brabbu

INCA armchair was inspired by the legend of the Inca Empire, which had its roots in the highlands of Peru. Starting sometime in the 13th century, it was the last pre-Columbian empire in the New World. The velvet that covers INCA brings back the intense colour of their brilliantly weaved and colored cloths and the shape of the armchair reminds us of the sculpted mountains in the landscape of Peru. INCA is an invitation to travel through history and live the greatness of a remarkable civilization.


W 87 cm | 34,3'' D 82 cm | 32,3'' H 90 cm | 35,4''

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